Hello, hello, and welcome to the Uni-Verse!
Who are we? Simply put: we’re a bunch of people who like stories. Most of us like to write, some just like to listen, all of us love improving each other’s stories, poetry and everything in between. We meet once a week during both University semesters to share our newest prose and poetry. If you ever find yourself in Vienna, Austria, with an ache for fiction one Thursday evening (6pm onwards)… we’d love to meet you downstairs at The Highlander, Sobieskiplatz 4 or in our cozy online Zoom room! You can find all info on upcoming meetings here. 🙂
There are basically three modes of travel in the Uni-Verse:
- As a free, unbound traveller and unofficial member, you will always be welcome at our meetings, whether you drop by once, twice or every time. We will share mead, meat and fiction with you and you’ll be up-to-date concerning our newest events, projects and publications. You can send in texts for our meetings and for our anthology and you’ll be One Of Us.
It’s basically the whole package – for free! - As an expert Uni-Verse explorer and official member, you’ll get all the cool perks of the unofficial member AND you’ll be able to vote and run for our Committee, propose cool projects for the future and vote on those as well. The official membership is 3€ per semester OR 5€/year which lets you become an official member of our Verein. If you’d like to support us financially, there’s the possibility to become a sponsoring member for 30€ for one academic year. In return, you’d get a shiny certificate and a free anthology at the end of the year.
- As a shaper, builder and pioneer (*cue the explosion*) and Committee member, the Uni-Verse rests on your shoulders. You’ll get to do all the cool stuff that an official member can do, but you’ll also be able to directly change and improve the Uni-Verse for the sake of everyone in it. Whether it be polishing this website, keeping in touch with members over facebook, looking over finances, printing booklets, organising events, recording our podcast or baking cookies, our Committee members are chosen once a year at the AGM (annual general meeting) and take up their posts for one academic year.
If you want to know more about becoming a Committee member or want to know more about our rules, drop by “The Official Stuff” and check out our Constitution in English or in German (yeah. We were legally required to write a constitution. I know. I know. It made us feel really important.)
If you have any questions at all or just want to say hi, you can reach us at writing@universe.univie.org and you can find us on facebook – on both our official page and in our official group.
Special thanks go out to Daniel von Zottl (from farbraum wien) for setting up our website and designing our awesome logo!