Three years after our last anthology, silence, Uni-Verse is back with our fourth anthology, Nightfall, containing yet more freshly brewed literature from young Viennese writers. This one’s all about the in-betweens, the space between daylight and darkness. Reader, dare to step into the unkown! This anthology contains poetry and short stories written in English by more than thirty authors, spanning a variety of backgrounds and influences. Writing, more than anything, brings our community together and Nightfall presents the essential collection of our joint work of the past three years. This anthology contains a thematic as well as a general section.
Where can I get Nightfall?
Our online shop: you can find Nightfall as well as our old anthologies and a bundle deal on our webshop! We ship worldwide!
Facultas am Campus: Facultas at the University of Vienna Campus/Altes AKH in Hof stocks all of our anthologies.
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