Core Responsibilities:
- Hosting and moderating the weekly writers’ meetings
- Hosting the committee meetings
- Acting as a lead representative and signatory of Uni-Verse
- Managing and leading the committee

Favourite genre: gothic horror
Favourite poem: “It’s all I have to bring today” by Emily Dickinson
Writes: poetry and prose
Core Responsibilities:
- President’s deputy and second-in-command: staying on top of dates, assignments, and managing expectations
- Host bi-weekly meetings & cohost monthly committee meetings with the President
- Manage and support fellow committee members
- Manage other bureaucratic tasks
- Creating the booklet

Favourite genre: fantasy
Favourite novels: Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell, Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
Writes: prose
Core responsibilities:
- Manage the regular finances: keeping a ledger of all in- and out-going money, refunding committee members, collecting membership
- Communicate with sponsoring members
- Manage the annual finances: compile the annual financial report, run the report by the Wardens (Profs. Radak and Reichl), present annual finances at AGM

Favourite genres: fantasy and poetry
Favourite poem: “The Primrose” by Robert Burns and “Empty Flat” by Florentina 🙂
Writes: poetry
Core responsibilities:
- Preparing the agenda for & taking minutes during committee meetings
- Writing our newsletters
- Overseeing the website
- Organising and hosting the AGM with the VP

Favourite genre: magical realism
Favourite short story: The Sea in Me by Krishan Coupland
Writes: mostly about things that come to me in my dreams
Social Media Manager
Core responsibilities:
- Announcing the weekly meetings
- Creating content for Uni-Verse’s social media channels
- Moderating the Uni-Verse Facebook & Whatsapp groups
- Overseeing the email inbox
Favourite genres: fantasy, grim dark
Favourite novels:
Writes: prose
Event Manager
Core responsibilities:
- Planning & organising events
- Judging poetry for the annual anthology

Favourite genres: fiction, body horror, YA
Favourite novels: The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater, Wilder Girls by Rory Power, She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Writes: poetry, fairytales
General Committee Member
Core responsibilities:
- Organising events
- Supporting regular meetings
- Judging poetry for the annual anthology

Favourite genres: fiction, poetry
Favourite novels: The Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy, Exit West by Mohsin Hamid, A Free Man: A True Story of Life and Death in Delhi by Aman Sethi
Writes: poetry
General Committee Member
Core responsibilities:
Favourite genre:
Favourite poem:
General Committee Member
Core responsibilities:
Favourite genre:
Favourite poem:
General Committee Member
Core responsibilities:
Favourite genre:
Favourite poem:
Bonus Member
Core responsibilities:
- Lending a helping hand
- Organising certain special events
Favourite genre: I think there are great stories in every genre
Favourite poem: Breakfast conversations by Florentina (our president) 🙂
Writes: all kinds of stories about people and their experiences and feelings