Having spent the months between July and December developing, writing, editing, casting, recording and audio-editing our Advent Calendar Audioplay “Present Perfect” (a GIGANTIC undertaking), we rewarded ourselves with a Christmas Party at the cosiest little pub in Vienna – Rupp’s!
And what could be better than spending an evening among friendly faces, silly stories, punch and beer and Christmas sweaters? All of the above, with the added benefit of our annual (at this point it’s annual, folks!) Creative Secret Santa. Instead of gifting each other little objects, each participant fills one A4 page with prose or poetry or drawings or anything creative they suspect could make the recipient a little happier. It was a blast! 😀

Here is Carrie, presenting her story (hidden in a chestnut) to Florentina:

Also, since we now have a bit of a budget and wanted to spread some genuine Christmas joy, everybody also got their own individualised Christmas goodie bag (which is a fancy way of saying that everyone could pick and choose their favourite sweets, so no one would miss out):

And, finally, here is some of the craziness that ensued once the Christmas crackers had been cracked:

A peaceful turquoise regent holds court
“But if she’s Albert Einstein and I’M Albert Einstein…?”
The Cool Kids Table (I mean, Holly’s sweater could literally light up – who can compete with that?)
“…then we’re both Albert Einstein!”