Welcome to a time capsule none of us expected we’d make. Between April 1 and June 3, 2020, we moved our meetings online because of the corona pandemic – it was an odd sensation; both familiar and distant, confusing and comforting at once.

Below, find the gorgeous online invitations that our Social Media expert Amadea designed, along with the text she updated week after week.*

Thank you to everybody who showed up – for sharing your strength, your thoughts, and your stories.

*as exceptions, the Decameron banner was designed by our Vice President (who was in charge of the event) & the bunny banner by our President (because bunnies)

“Hello traveler of online space,

Since the big-bang of Uni-Verse, our regular meetings have been at the core of our student society. As much as we’d love to, due to the recent developments, we cannot continue hosting our regular f2f meeting. Creative writing has always been the thread that connects us. We hope that our sparkling words and colorful stories will continue to do so in these times of change and uncertainty.

Everyone is welcome to join – wherever you are, no matter if you’ve been to one of our meetings before. Plus ones and feline friends are welcome as well!

You can join this meeting via a link, that we’ll post into our Facebook group at the time of the meeting. If you do not use Facebook, just let us know via email and we’ll send you the link when time’s ripe.

As always, there’ll be a booklet with all the texts that are going to be discussed during our meeting.

If you aren’t familiar yet with our submission guidelines, hop over here.

We’re very much looking forward to meeting you online!

your Uni-Verse Committee”