On October 22, 2019, we collaborated with the lovely people at the STV Anglistik to host a semester-opening STV Poetry Breakfast for all English Department newbies, veterans, and visitors. It was a warm and warming gathering on a cold October day – and there was a galaxy cake too (pictures below)!

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Carrie, our Event Manager, had many amazing ideas on how to provide some extra literary spice for the breakfast chai latte: before the breakfast, Uni-Verse Committee members wrote short and fun poems on coffee, tea, eggs, orange juice, an English breakfast, porridge, and other breakfast items, which we then handed out for people to get extra peckish and take a bite of delicious poetry home.

Those who were particularly inspired could also participate in our cobble-poetry workshop, where we pieced together new poems out of old “metropole” magazines. The end results are now proudly displayed outside the STV!

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I also dipped my toes into a new pool of creativity and made a cake for the very first time. It took thrice as long as expected (even with the help of my tirelessly pistacchio-pealing mother) and had me driving home from my parents’ oven at 2AM, but I enjoyed the culinary madness of it.
I also got to experience the sweet pain of seeing your cake vanish within 10min of placing it on a table. On the one hand: the greatest of all compliments. On the other: a shame that those that came later couldn’t have a bite for themselves – and that the built-up magic of 9 hours disappeared in a blink.

Thank you for having us, STV, and for bringing in so many foods, beverages, and jokes.
Until next time!